We offer a variety of ways for you to achieve your charitable goals – find the tax-deductible way that’s best for you! Please note that all gifts to Back from the Brink must be made through our fiscal sponsor, Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles (PSR-LA). Back from the Brink and PSR-LA do not offer legal, tax, or financial planning advice. You are encouraged to consult your own legal counsel, tax advisor, and/or financial planner.

Please notify our development consultant, Brennan Tierney (brennan@preventnuclearwar.org), if you are planning to give using any of the methods outlined below.

IRA Gifts

IRA gifts are a great way for those over 70 to support our critical work and maximize your charitable impact.

What is a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)?

QCDs, otherwise known as IRA charitable rollovers or IRA gifts, are a great way for those over 70½ to support our critical work and maximize your charitable impact. QCDs may be excluded from your taxable income and qualify towards your required minimum distribution (RMD).

A QCD is a distribution of funds from your IRA (other than a SEP or SIMPLE IRA) directly to a qualified charitable organization, such as Back from the Brink’s fiscal sponsor, PSR-LA. Because the gift goes directly to the charity without passing through your hands, the dollar amount of the gift may be excluded from your taxable income up to a maximum of $100,000 annually, with some exceptions.

Basic requirements and limitations for a Qualified Charitable Distribution

  • The donor must be at least 70½ years of age at the time of the distribution.
  • The distribution must be from a Roth or Traditional IRA.
  • The distribution must be made directly from the IRA administrator to a qualifying charity such as our fiscal sponsor, PSR-LA (gifts made to a donor-advised fund, supporting organization, or private foundation do not qualify).
  • QCDs are limited to $100,000.00 per individual per year. Gifts must be made by December 31 of each year.
  • If you are a joint tax filer, your spouse can also give $100,000 per year if he or she is over 70½ and has an IRA.
  • Please note that certain states may not exclude gift amounts withdrawn from an IRA for state income tax purposes.

For more information on QCDs, please visit the IRS website.

How to make an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution to Back from the Brink

To make a gift from your IRA to Back from the Brink through our fiscal sponsor, PSR-LA, contact your IRA administrator to arrange a direct transfer from your account. You may download a sample letter to your IRA administrator here. 

Your IRA administrator can send the funds by a check made payable to PSR-LA with a note that your gift is designated for the Back from the Brink campaign.

Checks can be mailed to:

Back from the Brink
c/o Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles
617 S. Olive St. Suite 220
Los Angeles, CA 90014

Please note that if the check is made payable to you and you deposit it into your bank account and then write a personal check for the gift, the distribution will not qualify as a charitable distribution and will be included in your taxable income.

Back from the Brink and PSR-LA do not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult your own professional tax or legal advisor before making any charitable gift decision based on this information.

Legacy Gifts

A gift made through a will or living trust can be a thoughtful charitable gift as part of your long-range estate and financial plans. In addition to filling an important role in providing for the future financial security of your family and others, your will or living trust can offer a way to make thoughtful charitable gifts as part of your long-range estate and financial plans. It can be satisfying to know that a portion of your property will be put to good use in the future.

A gift made through a will or living trust can be convenient to arrange. A simple provision or amendment prepared by your attorney at the time you make or update your will or trust is all that is necessary. Gifts included in wills and living trusts are popular because they are flexible, easy to arrange, and may be changed with your life circumstances.

Ways to give through wills and trusts

  • Make a gift of a specific amount. A gift of a particular amount may be designated for general use or to fund a special need.
  • Provide for a gift of a particular property. Real estate, stocks, and other items of value are examples of properties that can be used to fund charitable bequests.
  • Designate that a percentage of your estate be given to PSR-LA (and designated for the Back from the Brink campaign) through your will or living trust.
  • Give the remainder, or residue, of your estate—that is, what remains after all other bequests to friends and loved ones are satisfied.
  • Name charitable interests to receive a bequest in the event other heirs are not there to receive their legacies.

There is no limit on amounts deductible from federal gift and estate taxes for charitable gifts made by will or trust, so no tax will be due on assets given in this way. To plan a charitable bequest, inform your attorney of your wishes and ask for advice regarding the best form for your gift.

If you decide to include a gift in your estate plans, our fiscal sponsor’s legal name is Physicians For Social Responsibility Los Angeles Chapter, Inc. and their tax ID number is 95-3956136.

Click here for our sample bequest language.

Please notify our development consultant, Brennan Tierney (brennan@preventnuclearwar.org) of your legacy gift plans, so we can communicate with our fiscal sponsor that your gift is designated for the Back from the Brink campaign.

Stock Gifts

Making a stock donation is a simple and powerful way to support the work of Back from the Brink.

A gift of this type offers you a number of financial benefits:

  • You can easily donate appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds
  • The total value of the stock upon transfer is tax-deductible
  • There is no obligation to pay any capital gains taxes on the appreciation

Note: Individual situations vary so donors should consult their advisors.

Donating stock to Back from the Brink can be accomplished in two easy steps

1. Authorize your broker to transfer your shares

Contact the institution where your stocks are held and let them know you’d like to transfer the shares to our fiscal sponsor’s account, which is the Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles account at City National Securities. You may need the following codes:

DTC #: 0226
For the Benefit of: Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles
Account #: BHS-306358
PSR-LA’s Employer Identification Number (EIN)/Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) is 95-3956136.

2. Let us know about your stock gift

Stock donations transferred to PSR-LA’s account are not accompanied by donor information. We want to be sure we can acknowledge your charitable donation of stock and send you a tax receipt, so please be in touch. Please report your stock gift by:

  • Filling out this Stock Gift Notification Form
  • Sending the completed form to Back from the Brink and either,
    • Email: brennan@preventnuclearwar.org
    • Mail to: Back from the Brink
      c/o Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles
      617 S. Olive St. Suite 220
      Los Angeles, CA 90014

As soon as your stock donation gift is identified, we’ll send you an acknowledgment letter in the mail.

Back from the Brink and PSR-LA do NOT accept stock of alcohol, tobacco, oil, and chemical manufacturers, polluters and their lobbyists.

Donor-Advised Funds

Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing giving method and a tax-efficient way to manage your charitable donations.

Making a gift through your Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

DAFs are the fastest-growing giving method and a tax-efficient way to manage your charitable donations. They allow donors to make a contribution and receive an immediate tax deduction. It provides an immediate tax benefit to you, and allows you to easily support Back from the Brink and other organizations of your choice over time.

Grants made to Back from the Brink through DAFs can be designated for Back from the Brink to use wherever the need is greatest. Clients of Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon can easily make a designation through this DAF Direct tool.

If your donor advised fund is not listed here, please contact your adviser at your DAF financial institution or charitable sponsor directly to make your recommendation.

You may need to provide the following information about our fiscal sponsor in order to make a gift:

Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles
617 S. Olive St. Suite 220
Los Angeles, CA 90014

PSR-LA’s Employer Identification Number (EIN)/Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) is 95-3956136.

*IMPORTANT* Please notify our development consultant, Brennan Tierney (brennan@preventnuclearwar.org) of your gift, so we can communicate with our fiscal sponsor that your grant is designated for the Back from the Brink campaign.

Why use Donor Advised Funds?

Easily turn your portfolio into an impactful gift in our pursuit of a world free of nuclear weapons.

  • Eliminates capital gains on donated stock. Giving accounts have the potential to grow, possibly providing additional funding when you are ready to make a gift.
  • You can make recurring gifts with ease, helping us take advantage of key political moments to push for change.

Please note that Back from the Brink and our fiscal sponsor, PSR-LA, do not provide tax or legal advice. Speak with your professional tax or legal advisor with questions about donor advised funds and gifts to Back from the Brink.

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