On May 29, Back from the Brink hosted a virtual event with Annie Jacobsen, investigative journalist and New York Times bestselling author of Nuclear War: A Scenario. We were delighted that over 450 folks from around the country joined the conversation. In her...
On December 6, Back from the Brink hosted the virtual roundtable, Building Momentum for Nuclear Weapons Abolition After 2MSP: Next Generation Perspectives. We were delighted that 100 folks from around the country joined the conversation. Four next generation...
Back from the Brink’s Growing Support for Nuclear Abolition webinar held on May 31 with Congressman Jim McGovern and 140 folks from around the country was truly inspiring. We express our deepest appreciation to the Congressman for his wisdom and insights...
On September 28, 2022 Back from the Brink hosted All in: Preventing Nuclear War Means Defending Democracy, a virtual webinar/roundtable discussion featuring a panel of experts and pro-democracy advocates. We examined how the future of our democracy and nuclear...
Thank you to all who participated in Back from the Brink’s Open House last week. It was a great turn out and a truly engaging conversation — and our deepest gratitude to Zia Mian for offering his views and perspectives. Here’s a link to our Open House...
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