On September 28, 2022 Back from the Brink hosted All in: Preventing Nuclear War Means Defending Democracy, a virtual webinar/roundtable discussion featuring a panel of experts and pro-democracy advocates. We examined how the future of our democracy and nuclear abolition are inextricably linked — and why if our democracy further falters, the risk of nuclear war will increase. The roundtable also addressed how un-democratic the current nuclear weapons decision and policy making system is and how the Back from the Brink campaign is giving people and communities a true voice and agency on this issue that affects us all.

Speakers include:

  • Shailly Gupta Barnes, Policy Director, Poor People’s Campaign & Kairos Center for Religions, Rights and Social Justice
  • Justin Kwasa, Democracy Program Director, League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
  • Mike Latner, Senior Fellow, Union of Concerned Scientists’ Center for Science & Democracy
  • Kimberly Scott, Executive Director, Georgia Women’s Action for New Directions

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