Back from the Brink is a collaborative effort, designed to not be owned by any single individual or organization. Our core objective is to build a diverse and politically powerful nuclear disarmament constituency in order to drive bold policy changes. We organize at the local and state levels and provide a platform and community for any individual, organization, or elected official to get involved and make a difference.
Our organizing approach is also intersectional — we find ways to connect our advocacy for nuclear abolition with other related economic, social, racial, and climate justice struggles. You can learn more about these intersections on our Nuclear Weapons 101 page.
The first way that people and organizations generally engage with Back from the Brink (BftB) is to endorse the campaign, which includes our five policy solutions. Endorsements illustrate support for our campaign, and send the message to our elected representatives that our nuclear weapons policies need to change.
BftB leverages a local, community-based organizing approach through our network of “Hubs,” which are founded and organized by local BftB activists representing allied groups and organizations. Hubs serve as a home base for folks to connect with others and offer opportunities for sustained local BftB advocacy activities.
Beyond Hubs, organizations can deepen their involvement by becoming Coalition Partners. Coalition Partners support the campaign by attending BftB events and meetings, promoting the campaign, making financial contributions, and growing the coalition’s partnerships with other organizations, influencers, and decision makers.
These local and regional activities are supported and coordinated by BftB’s Management Team and Implementation Team, who provide sustained leadership, advocacy tools, and organize online convenings such as the monthly Local Organizing Meetups.
A significant organizing tool since January 2023 has been H. Res. 77, a resolution introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) that calls on the United States to embrace the goals and provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TNPW) and to adopt BftB’s five policy prescriptions for preventing nuclear war. BftB is all in on using H. Res. 77 as a vehicle for transformative change—as a grassroots organizing and advocacy tool to stimulate real debate about nuclear weapons in communities around the country and for cultivating congressional leaders committed to advancing the cause of nuclear disarmament.
Back from the Brink – Connecticut
Back from the Brink – Los Angeles/Southern California
Back from the Brink – New Hampshire
Back from the Brink – Philadelphia
Back from the Brink – Upstate NY
Back from the Brink – Western Massachusetts
Chicago Area Peace Action
Greater Boston PSR
LA/Southern California
Mainers for Ending Nuclear Dangers
Nuclear Abolition Salem (OR)
PeaceWorks Kansas City
Prevent Nuclear War Maryland
San Francisco Bay Area
Utah Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Washington PSR