Listed below are organizations — big, small, local, state and national — that have endorsed Back from the Brink. Click here if you would like to endorse.

Academic Groups
wdt_ID | Name | Location |
1 | Nuclear Free Schools-Alliance-Dr. Olga Mohan High School | CA |
2 | Albert Schweitzer Institute at Quinnipiac | CT |
3 | Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale | CT |
4 | SGI Buddhists for Happiness, Case Western Reserve University | OH |
5 | SGI Buddhist Philosophy Club, Temple University | PA |
6 | SGI Buddhist Club, University of Michigan | MI |
7 | Boston University Advocacy Training Program at Boston University School of Medicine | MA |
8 | Boston University Student Committee on Medical Student Affairs | MA |
9 | Los Angeles Schweitzer Fellow Program | CA |
10 | Value Creating Society of Nichiren Buddhism, Rutgers | NJ |
12 | Students for Nuclear Disarmament (Burbank Chapter) | CA |
13 | Students For Nuclear Disarmament (Exeter Chapter) | NH |
14 | Students for Nuclear Disarmament (Brookline Chapter) | MA |
15 | Students for Nuclear Disarmament (National) | US |
Civic Groups
wdt_ID | Name | Location |
1 | United Nations Association of the United States of America Bluegrass Chapter | KY |
2 | United Nations Association of the United States of America Milwaukee Chapter | WI |
3 | Feminists Choosing Life of New York | NY |
4 | Rotary Club of Eastwood | NY |
5 | Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance | VT |
6 | MLK Coalition of Greater Los Angeles | CA |
7 | United Nations Association of Chicago | IL |
8 | Arise for Social Justice | MA |
9 | Pioneer Valley Workers Center | MA |
10 | Pioneer Valley Women's March | MA |
11 | National Lawyers Guild, Maryland Chapter | MD |
12 | Popular Resistance Maryland | MD |
13 | World 5.0 | National |
15 | Outrider Foundation | WI |
16 | Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution | MA |
17 | Rotarians 4 Nuclear Ban | Canada |
18 | Central NY Solidarity Campaign | NY |
19 | Central New York Poor People's Campaign | NY |
20 | Central New York Chapter of the National Organization for Women | NY |
21 | International Tribunal of Conscience of Peoples in Movement | CA |
22 | New Jersey State Industrial Union Council | NJ |
23 | Women for Racial and Economic Equality (WREE) | CA |
24 | SOMA Action | NJ |
25 | The Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County | NJ |
26 | WiseCourage Project / GetCourageNow | CA |
27 | Southern Anti-Racism Network | GA |
28 | Rotary Club of Springfield, MA | MA |
29 | All Together Now PA | PA |
30 | Institute of Trauma and Economic Justice | MI |
31 | Western Massachusetts Area Labor Federation | MA |
Environmental Groups
wdt_ID | Name | Location |
2 | | National |
4 | Beyond Nuclear | National |
5 | Center for Biological Diversity | National |
6 | Coal River Mountain Watch | WV |
7 | Citizens’ Environmental Coalition | NY |
8 | Climate Action Now | MA |
9 | Environmentalists Against War | National |
10 | Friends of the Earth | National |
11 | In the Shadow of the Wolf | National |
12 | Maine Rivers | ME |
14 | Nuclear Information and Resource Service | National |
15 | Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition | WV |
16 | Rapid Shift | National |
17 | Sierra Club | National |
18 | SoCal 350 Climate Action | CA |
19 | Students for Environmental Awareness in Medicine (SEAM), Harvard Medical School Chapter | MA |
20 | The Enviro Show | MA |
21 | Community Action Works | New England |
22 | 350 Madison | WI |
23 | Organic Consumers Association | MN |
24 | REVERB | National |
25 | Northampton League of Conservation Voters | MA |
26 | White Rabbit Grove RDNA | MT |
27 | Citizens' Regeneration Lobby | MN |
28 | Alliance for a Green Economy | NY |
29 | | NY |
30 | Northern Colorado Community Rights Network | CO |
31 | Endangered Species International | CA |
32 | 350NJ - Rockland | NJ |
33 | Food & Water Action | National |
34 | EarthAction | MA |
35 | 2020 Action | MA |
37 | Natural Resources Defense Council | National |
38 | North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE) | NY |
39 | Carrie Dickerson Foundation | OK |
40 | 350 Salem | OR |
41 | Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin | WI |
42 | Seattle Evergreen Coalition | WA |
43 | Sustainable Energy & Economic Development (SEED) Coalition | TX |
44 | 350 Eastside | WA |
Faith Groups
wdt_ID | Name | Location |
1 | Adorers of the Blood of Christ | MO |
2 | All Saint's Catholic Parish | NY |
3 | All Souls Nuclear Disarmament Task Force | NY |
4 | Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church | ME |
5 | Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse | NY |
6 | American Friends Service Committee | National |
7 | Amherst Immanuel Lutheran Church | MA |
8 | Annapolis Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | MD |
9 | Assisi Community | DC |
10 | Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests | National |
11 | Association of United States Catholic Priests | OR |
12 | Atlanta Good Shepherd Community Church | GA |
13 | Baltimore Hebrew Congregation | MD |
14 | Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | MD |
15 | Benedictine Sisters of Baltimore | MD |
16 | Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church | MA |
17 | Bethesda Friends Meeting | MD |
18 | Bloomington Monthly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends | IN |
19 | Casa Maria | AZ |
20 | Catholic Commission of Wayne, Ashland and Medina Counties | OH |
21 | Catholic Diocese of Little Rock | AR |
22 | Catholic Network US | National |
23 | Centenary United Methodist Church | UT |
24 | Center of Concern | National |
25 | Center on Conscience and War | DC |
26 | Christian Peacemaker Teams | IL |
27 | Church and Society Committee, Sparta United Methodist Church | NJ |
28 | Church of the Brethren, Office of Peacebuilding and Policy | National |
29 | Clear Mountain Zen Sangha | NJ |
30 | Colorado Interfaith Power & Light | CO |
31 | Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach | DC |
32 | Congregation B'nai Israel | MA |
33 | Congregation Bet Ha'am | ME |
34 | Congregation Mishkan Tefila | MA |
35 | Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd | National |
36 | Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes | WI |
37 | Denver Catholic Network | CO |
38 | Diocese of Springfield Massachusetts | MA |
39 | Dominican Sisters of San Rafael | CA |
40 | Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House | DC |
41 | Earth Keepers 360 | NM |
42 | Edwards Church of Northampton | MA |
43 | Episcopal Diocese of Central New York | NY |
44 | Episcopal Peace Fellowship | IL |
45 | Fellowship of Reconciliation, Chicago Area Chapter | IL |
46 | First Congregational Church of Hatfield, United Church of Christ | MA |
47 | First Congregational Church of Leveret | MA |
48 | First Parish Portland | ME |
49 | First Unitarian Society Social Justice Ministry | WI |
50 | Floyd Friends | VA |
51 | Franciscan Action Network | DC |
52 | Franciscan Peace Center | IA |
53 | Franciscans for Justice | CA |
54 | Frederick Friends Meeting, Frederick, MD | MD |
55 | Friends Committee on National Legislation | National |
56 | General Synod of the United Church of Christ | National |
57 | Grace St. Paul's | AZ |
58 | Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition | NY |
59 | Gunpowder Friends Meeting | MD |
60 | Haydenville Congregational Church | MA |
61 | Holy Cross Church Just Faith Community | MA |
62 | Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church | AR |
63 | Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace | CA |
64 | Interfaith Peace Network of WNY | NY |
65 | Interfaith Peace Working Group | WI |
66 | Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center | MA |
67 | Islamic Society of North America | National |
68 | Islamic Society of Western Mass | MA |
69 | Justice Commission of the Presentation Sisters | SD |
70 | Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield, MA | MA |
71 | Lincoln NE Friends Meeting | NE |
72 | Madison Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) | WI |
73 | Madison Mennonite Church | WI |
74 | Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College | GA |
75 | Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns | National |
76 | Meriden Congregational Church, UCC | NH |
77 | Methodist Federation for Social Action Iowa Chapter | IA |
78 | Minneapolis Area Synod, ELCA | MN |
79 | National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd | National |
80 | National Baptist Convention of America | KY |
81 | National Benedictines for Peace | National |
82 | New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ | NH |
83 | North Carolina Council of Churches | NC |
84 | Office of Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, Sisters of St. Joseph | NY |
85 | Office of Peace, Justice, and Ecological Integrity, Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth | NJ |
86 | Our Saviour's Lutheran Church | MN |
87 | Paint Branch Unitarian Universalist Church | MD |
88 | Parishioners for Peace & Justice, St. Peter Claver Church | NJ |
89 | Pax Christi - St. John the Baptist | MD |
90 | Pax Christi Beverly | MA |
91 | Pax Christi Dallas TX | TX |
92 | Pax Christi El Paso | TX |
93 | Pax Christi Houston | TX |
94 | Pax Christi Illinois | IL |
95 | Pax Christi International | International |
96 | Pax Christi Little Rock | AR |
97 | Pax Christi Maine | ME |
98 | Pax Christi Massachusetts | MA |
99 | Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore | DC |
100 | Pax Christi Metro New York | NY |
101 | Pax Christi Nazareth | MI |
102 | Pax Christi New Jersey | NJ |
103 | Pax Christi Northern California | CA |
104 | Pax Christi Northwest | WA |
105 | Pax Christi Pacific Northwest | WA |
106 | Pax Christi Rhode Island | RI |
107 | Pax Christi Southern California | CA |
108 | Pax Christi USA | National |
109 | Pax Christi Western Massachusetts | MA |
110 | Peace with Justice Advocates Mission Group NHCUCC | NH |
111 | Pima Monthly Meeting Religious Society of Friends | AZ |
112 | Plymouth Congregational Church, UCC | NY |
113 | Portland Friends Meeting | ME |
114 | Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society Social Action Committee | WI |
115 | Presbyterian Church USA | National |
116 | Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association | National |
117 | Religions for Peace USA | National |
118 | Rochester (MN) Friends (Quaker) Meeting | MN |
119 | Sacred Heart and Our Lady Help of Christians of Newton MA | MA |
120 | Saint Susanna Church | MA |
121 | Sandy Spring Friends Meeting | MD |
122 | School Sisters of Notre Dame, Central Pacific Province | MO |
123 | Schuylkill Friends Meeting | PA |
124 | SGI-USA Mid-Atlantic Zone | VA |
125 | Shalom Mennonite Fellowship | AZ |
126 | Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Community | NE |
127 | Sisters of St. Francis | OH |
128 | Sisters of St. Francis | IA |
129 | Sisters of St. Francis Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation | OH |
130 | Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia | PA |
131 | Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden, PA | PA |
132 | Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, LA | CA |
133 | Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary | NY |
134 | Soka Gakkai International - USA | National |
135 | South Valley Presbyterian Church | NY |
136 | St. Francis Pax Christi | MD |
137 | St. John's Episcopal Church | NY |
139 | St. Lucy's Church, Syracuse | NY |
140 | St. Magdalene Catholic Faith Community | MD |
141 | St. Paul's Episcopal Church | NY |
142 | St. Rose of Lima Pax Christi | MD |
143 | St. Susanna Pax Christi | MA |
144 | St. Thomas' Episcopal Church | NY |
145 | The Church of Universal Fellowship | ME |
146 | The Episcopal Church | National |
147 | The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary | IA |
148 | The Social Justice Committee of Campus Synagogues | MA |
149 | The Theosophical Order of Service | IL |
150 | Tikkun Olam Committee of the Jewish Community of Amherst | MA |
151 | Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson | AZ |
152 | Unitarian Society of Northampton & Florence | MA |
153 | Unitarian Universalist Association | National |
154 | Unitarian Universalist Meeting House Council of Pittsfield, ME | ME |
155 | United Church of Christ, Justice & Witness Ministries | National |
156 | United Methodist General Board of Church and Society | National |
157 | University United Methodist Church, Syracuse | NY |
158 | Voices for a world Free of Nuclear Weapons-United Religions Initiative | National |
159 | Way Forward | PA |
160 | West Cummington Congregational Church | MA |
161 | Western Region of Roman Catholic Womenpriests | National |
163 | National Council of Churches | DC |
164 | Creation Justice Ministries | DC |
165 | Affiliation of Christian Engineers | TN |
166 | Mount Toby Monthly Meeting of Friends | MA |
167 | Tacoma Chapter Fellowship of Reconciliation | WA |
168 | One World Life Systems | NY |
169 | Hartford Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | CT |
170 | First Church in Cambridge, Congregational, United Church of Christ | MA |
171 | Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team | MD |
172 | Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York | NY |
Health Groups
wdt_ID | Name | Location |
1 | Health Alliance International | National |
2 | People's Health Movement USA | National |
3 | Physicians for Social Responsibility | National |
4 | Maine Academy of Family Physicians | ME |
5 | International Health and Epidemiology Research Center | CA |
6 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Arizona | AZ |
7 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Sacramento | CA |
8 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles | CA |
9 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Florida | FL |
10 | Maine AllCare | ME |
11 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Iowa Chapter | IA |
12 | Maine Physicians for Social Responsibility | ME |
13 | Maine Medical Association | ME |
14 | Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility | MA |
15 | Maine Nurse Practitioner's Association | ME |
16 | Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility | MD |
17 | American Academy of Pediatrics Maine Chapter | ME |
18 | New Hampshire Public Health Association | NH |
19 | Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility | OR |
20 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Kansas City | MO |
21 | Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility | WA |
22 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin | WI |
23 | Western North Carolina Physicians for Social Responsibility | NC |
24 | Pioneer Valley Physicians for Social Responsibility | MA |
25 | Institute of Neurotoxicity & Neurological Disorders | WA |
26 | San Francisco Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility | CA |
27 | American Public Health Association | National |
Peace Groups
wdt_ID | Name | Location |
1 | Abolition 2000 | International |
2 | 80,000 Voices | National |
3 | American Society of Hiroshima-Nagasaki A-Bomb Survivors | National |
4 | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation | National |
5 | Nuclear Wake Up Call | National |
6 | One Sunny Day Initiatives | National |
7 | Peace & Justice Studies Association | National |
8 | Peace Action | National |
9 | People for Nuclear Disarmament | National |
10 | Rehumanize International | International |
11 | The Nuclear Resister | National |
12 | Veterans for Peace | National |
13 | Veterans for Peace Golden Rule Project | International |
14 | Wisconsin Network for Peace, Justice & Sustainability | WI |
15 | Woman Against Military Madness | National |
16 | World Beyond War | International |
17 | Bikes Not Bombs | National |
18 | Carlsron Initiative for Peace & Human Rights | International |
19 | Citizens for Peaceful Resolutions | National |
20 | Coalition for Peace Action | NJ |
21 | CODEPINK | National |
22 | Consistent Life Network | International |
23 | Global Campaign for Peace Education | International |
24 | Global Healing Foundation | International |
25 | Global Security Institute | National |
26 | International Institute on Peace Education | International |
27 | Veterans for Peace Tom Sturtevant Chapter | ME |
28 | Anti-War Committee | MN |
29 | Minnesota Peace Project | MN |
30 | Southeast Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers | MN |
31 | Nebraskans for Peace | NE |
32 | New Hampshire Peace Action Education Fund | NH |
33 | Seacoast Peace Response | NH |
34 | August 9th Saving Lives Task Force | NJ |
35 | New Jersey Peace Action | NJ |
36 | Corning Silent Peace Vigil | NY |
37 | Beyond War & Militarism Committee, Syracuse Peace Council | NY |
38 | Nuclear-Free World Committee, Syracuse Peace Council | NY |
39 | Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace | NY |
40 | Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives | NY |
41 | Peace Action New York State | NY |
42 | Tulsa Peace Fellowship | OK |
43 | War Prevention Initiative | OR |
44 | Brandywine Peace Community | PA |
45 | Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia | PA |
46 | Nuclear-Free World Committee, Dallas Peace & Justice Center | TX |
47 | Houston Peace & Justice Center | TX |
49 | Greater Bennington Peace & Justice Center | VT |
50 | Peace & Justice Center | VT |
51 | Appalachian Peace Education Center | VA |
52 | Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action | WA |
53 | Inter-Community Peace & Justice Center | WA |
55 | Whatcom Peace & Justice Center | WA |
56 | Nukewatch | WI |
57 | Peace Action Wisconsin | WI |
58 | Veterans for Peace - Madison Chapter | WI |
59 | Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Madison | WI |
60 | Veterans for Peace Chapter 111 | WA |
61 | Alliance for Global Justice | AZ |
62 | Awakening Peace, Inc. | CA |
63 | Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, Tucson | AZ |
64 | Veterans for Peace Chapter 13 | AZ |
65 | Nuclear Hotseat Podcast | CA |
66 | San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace | CA |
67 | Tri-Valley CAREs | CA |
68 | Veterans for Peace, Los Angeles | CA |
69 | Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center | CO |
70 | Promoting Enduring Peace | CT |
71 | Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area | DC |
73 | Chicago Area Peace Action | IL |
74 | Voices for Creative Nonviolence | IL |
75 | URI International Peace Research Institute | India |
76 | Brookline PAX | MA |
77 | Massachusetts Peace Action | MA |
78 | North Shore Coalition for Peace & Justice | MA |
79 | The New England Peace Pagoda | MA |
80 | The Resistance Center for Peace & Justice | MA |
81 | Working Group to Prevent Nuclear War | MA |
83 | Baltimore Peace Action | MD |
84 | Hiroshima Nagasaki Commemoration Committee | MD |
85 | Maryland Peace Action Network | MD |
86 | Maryland United for Peace & Justice | MD |
87 | Prevent Nuclear War Maryland | MD |
88 | Newton Dialogues on Peace & War | MA |
89 | Peace Action Montgomery | MD |
90 | Prince George's County Peace & Justice Coalition | MD |
91 | Global Network Against Nuclear Power & Weapons in Space | ME |
92 | Maine Peace Action Committee | ME |
93 | Maine Peace Fund | ME |
94 | Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine | ME |
95 | Peace Action Maine | ME |
96 | PeaceWorks | ME |
98 | Youth Arts New York: Hibakusha Stories | NY |
99 | Baltimore Nonviolence Center | MD |
100 | | Switzerland |
101 | Friends of Franz & Ben | NY |
102 | Justice & Peace Resource Center | NY |
103 | Broome County Peace Action | NY |
104 | Home for Peace and Justices | MI |
105 | World Peace Communications | CA |
106 | Greater New Haven Peace Council | CT |
107 | The Rachel Corrie Chapter 109 Veterans for Peace | WA |
108 | Global Strategy of Nonviolence | MA |
109 | Greater Springfield Campaign Nonviolence | MA |
110 | International Peace Center | KS |
111 | Stu Naismith Chapter 90 Veterans for Peace | NY |
112 | Cosmic Community Centre | India |
114 | South Mountain Peace Action | NJ |
115 | Leonia Vigil for Peace & Justice | NJ |
116 | Smedley Butler Brigade, Veterans for Peace Chapter 9 | MA |
117 | Veterans for Peace Santa Fe Chapter | NM |
118 | New York City Veterans for Peace | NY |
119 | Western New York Peace Center | NY |
120 | Union County Peace Council | NJ |
121 | Prescott Peacebuilders | AZ |
122 | Oregon PeaceWorks | OR |
124 | Traprock Center for Peace & Justice | MA |
126 | Peace Action Le Moyne | NY |
127 | Peace Action New York State, Macauley Honors College CUNY | NY |
128 | Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, US | National |
129 | Bloomington Peace Action Coalition | IN |
130 | Nonviolence International | DC |
131 | PNC: Stop Banking on the Bomb | PA |
132 | Dallas Peace and Justice Center | TX |
133 | No More Bombs | WA |
134 | Committee to Celebrate the International Day of Peace | NC |
136 | Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Milwaukee Chapter | WI |
137 | Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Jane Addams Branch | VA |
138 | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action | HI |
139 | No Endless War or Excessive Militarism | RI |
140 | Veterans for Peace Madison, Clarence Kailin Chapter 25 | WI |
141 | City of New Haven Peace Commission | CT |
142 | Earthcare Not Warfare | WA |
143 | Institute For Resource And Security Studies | National |
144 | Daisy Alliance | National |
146 | Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment | MA |
148 | Montreal for a World BEYOND War | QC, Canada |
149 | Northland Grandmothers for Peace | WI/MN |
150 | Grandmothers for Peace International | CA |
151 | Veterans for Peace Chapter 112 | CA |
152 | World Without Genocide | MN |
153 | PeaceWorks, Kansas City | MO |
154 | Peace House | OR |
155 | Nevada Desert Experience | NV |
156 | Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW! | PA |
157 | Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, Greater Philadelphia Branch | PA |
158 | Raging Grannies of Madison & Dane County | WI |
159 | Brooklyn for Peace | NY |
160 | Peace Action of San Mateo County | CA |
161 | Pittsburgh Anti-War Committee | PA |
162 | Crosscurrents International Institute | OH |
163 | Gandhi Alliance for Peace | UT |
164 | Veterans For Peace, Milwaukee Chapter 102 | WI |
165 | International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War | National |
166 | Kalamazoo Nonviolent Opponents of War (KNOW) | MI |
167 | Veterans For Peace Daniel Ellsberg Chapter, Seattle | WA |
168 | Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons | WA |
169 | Monterey Peace and Justice Center | CA |
170 | CODEPINK Bay Area | CA |
171 | Veterans for Peace Chapter 46 | CA |
Policy Groups
wdt_ID | Name | Location |
1 | Badass Activists in the Pioneer Valley | MA |
2 | Green Party of Pima County | AZ |
3 | Resources for Organizing and Social Change | ME |
4 | Indivisible | National |
5 | Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy | National |
6 | People Demanding Action | National |
7 | Progressive Democrats of America | National |
8 | Movement for a People's Democracy | National |
9 | Union of Concerned Scientists | National |
10 | Women's Action for New Directions | National |
11 | International Indian Treaty Council | International |
12 | Indivisible CNY 13224 | NY |
13 | Indivisible South Bay LA | CA |
14 | Coalition Against Nukes | National |
15 | The Vocal Seniority | OR |
16 | Progressive Dane | WI |
17 | Progressive Pioneer Valley | MA |
18 | Civil Society Institute | MA |
19 | Center for International Policy | National |
20 | Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety | NM |
21 | Elders for Future Generations | ME |
22 | Federation of American Scientists | National |
23 | Four Lakes Green Party | WI |
25 | Hip Hop Caucus | National |
26 | Utah Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons | UT |
28 | Newton Dems Executive Committee | MA |
30 | Future of Life Institute | National |
31 | Broome Tioga Green Party | NY |
33 | Green Party of New Jersey | NJ |
34 | Proposition One Committee | National |
35 | Western States Legal Foundation | CA |
36 | Our Wisconsin Revolution | WI |
37 | Maryland Green Party | MD |
38 | Green Party of Washington State | WA |
39 | Green Party of Connecticut | CT |
Other Groups
wdt_ID | Name | Location |
1 | Cat Lovers Against the Bomb | NE |
2 | Kansas City Industrial Workers of the World | MO |
3 | Gaia Consulting | ME |
4 | Jubitz Family Foundation | OR |
5 | Awakening Art & Culture | FL |
6 | Prosperity Candle | MA |
7 | Kunle Community | CA |
8 | Pelican Media | CA |
9 | Boundless Love Project | MN |
10 | GlowHouse | DC |
11 | The Grateful Palate, LLC | CA |
12 | Little Compton Democratic Town Committee | RI |
13 | Pyxis Learning | MO |
14 | Piece of Tish Work, LLC | MA |
15 | Collective Communication Inc | CA |
16 | FutureWAVE | CA |
17 | Women Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy | HI |
18 | Science for the People, Western MA Chapter | MA |
19 | Science for the People | International |
20 | Samuel Lawrence Foundation | CA |