Back from the Brink’s Steering Committee is responsible for managing the overall mission and vision of the coalition and all major, strategic decisions. The Steering Committee includes representatives from our Coalition Partner organizations.
Gwen DuBois, Chesapeake PSR
Magritte Gordaneer, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Denise Duffield, Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles*
Bob Dodge, Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles
Alex Jasset, Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles
Peter Wilk, PSR Maine
Ira Helfand, Greater Boston PSR
Diane Swords, Syracuse Peace Council
Katherine Yelle, Union of Concerned Scientists
Mike Neuroth, United Church of Christ
Colleen Moore, United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society
Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation
*Denise Duffield serves as the voting member from Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles on the Steering Committee.
Back from the Brink’s day-to-day decision making and operations are managed by a management team who oversee and work with field organizers and consultants specializing in communications, outreach, and development.
Denise Duffield, Management Team
Sean Meyer, Management Team
Peter Wilk, Management Team
Ryann Blackshere Vargas, Media and Communications Consultant
Maya Holm, Data and Communications Consultant
Maylene Hughes, Regional Grassroots Organizing and Policy Coordinator
Jeremy Love, Organizing and Outreach Consultant
Brennan Tierney, Development Consultant