Thank you for your interest in getting involved with Back from the Brink. By working to change U.S. nuclear weapons policy, you’re helping to make your community and the world a safer place.

If you’d like to get in touch with us about getting involved with the campaign, we have a contact form at the bottom of this page.

You can also click the buttons below to endorse Back from the Brink, join a local hub, use our advocacy tools, and advocate for H. Res. 77, which calls on the U.S. to embrace the goals and provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and to adopt Back from the Brink’s five policy solutions to prevent nuclear war.


Please fill out the contact form if you’d like to discuss getting involved with the campaign with a member of our team. Feel free to share any relevant experience/activism that you’ve engaged in to help kickstart our conversation.

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“The grassroots campaign is made up of everyday people who come from different backgrounds and generations across the U.S. to speak out and act against nuclear weapons. Back from the Brink realizes that this issue is one that intersects with so many other social justice issues.”

Maylene Hughes
Grassroots Organizing & Policy Coordinator, Nuclear Threats Program at Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles

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