From our BftB Hub, Greater Boston PSR:
The two state-level nuclear war prevention resolutions we have worked so hard on — the state level Back from the Brink resolution (S.1487) and the resolution to create a citizens’ commission to discuss nuclear and climate issues in Massachusetts (S.1488) — have made it relatively far in the legislative process, thanks to your support and advocacy.
Out of approximately 6,000 bills filed each legislative session in Massachusetts, only about 800 make it into the Ways and Means Committee, where our two resolutions now reside.
We are getting closer. Now it is critical that they get voted out of the Committee so they can go to the floor for final approval. Here’s what you can do to help:
1. Call Senator Jo Comerford’s office expressing gratitude that she’s co-sponsored these bills, and stress that she now needs to make them both a priority. Senator Comerford’s number is: (617) 722-1532
2. Call Senate President Karen Spilka requesting that she meet with the Boston Back from the Brink delegation (an active group of us who have already put in the request) before the end of the legislative session. Senate President Spilka’s number is: 617-722-1640. Press 9 to leave a message in her general mailbox.