South Salt Lake City, UT and New Haven, CT adopt BftB resolutions

South Salt Lake City, UT and New Haven, CT adopt BftB resolutions

On August 23, 2023, the South Salt Lake City Council unanimously adopted a resolution and proclamation that endorses the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and Back from the Brink’s (BftB’s) common sense policy solutions to prevent nuclear...
BftB Resolution Adopted by South Portland, Maine!

BftB Resolution Adopted by South Portland, Maine!

On Tuesday June 20, 2022, the South Portland City Council unanimously adopted a resolution “Calling Upon the United States Government to Lead a Global Effort to Prevent the Use of Nuclear Weapons” introduced by City Councilor Natalie West and proposed by the...
Johnson County, Iowa Board of Supervisors Announces BftB Proclamation

Johnson County, Iowa Board of Supervisors Announces BftB Proclamation

On February 16, Johnson County, Iowa’s Board of Supervisors voted to approve a Back from the Brink proclamation. Supporters of the proclamation made their case both in-person (weathering blizzard conditions, no less!) as well as via Zoom. Congratulations to all...
Two New Resolutions Pass in Massachusetts!

Two New Resolutions Pass in Massachusetts!

This week, thanks to the dedicated leadership of advocates across the state, two new Back from the Brink resolutions passed in the state of Massachusetts, in the town of Marshfield and the city of Holyoke, bringing the MA statewide total to 20 resolutions! On Monday...

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