On December 6, Back from the Brink hosted the virtual roundtable, Building Momentum for Nuclear Weapons Abolition After 2MSP: Next Generation PerspectivesWe were delighted that 100 folks from around the country joined the conversation.

Four next generation disarmament activists, Madison Rose (Union of Concerned Scientists), Maral Hassanshahi (PT, DPT, PSR-LA), Maylene Hughes (PSR-LA), and Molly McGinty (IPPNW), offered terrific insights on engaging young people and diversifying the nuclear abolition movement.

“A moment [from 2MSP] that was full of hope and unity was when we were marching with everyone from Back from the Brink and other activists… seeing everyone from different generations coming together, supporting the youth to be the frontrunners [of this movement]… that day I really told myself that we are going to abolish nuclear weapons, these people are going to do this.” – Maral Hassanshahi

We also shared Back from the Brink’s plans and goals for 2024, as well as how you can get more involved.

You can watch the recording above or here on YouTube.

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