Back from the Brink Brings Communities Together at 3MSP in NYC


Back from the Brink was well represented at the Third Meeting of States Parties (3MSP) to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) held March 2-7 in New York City, joining campaigners from 163 civil society organizations. Representatives from 86 countries participated as states parties or observers, culminating in a declaration rejecting nuclear deterrence and other measures to strengthen the TPNW.

The opening session was led by 3MSP President Akan Rakhmetullin, Kazakhstan’s First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, who declared, “The abolition of nuclear weapons is not an aspiration, but an imperative.” Rakhmetullin acknowledged the devastating impact of nuclear weapons on his country, which endured 450 nuclear weapons tests by the Soviet Union.

Affected communities from numerous countries—Japan, the Yankunytjatjara People, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Korea, Maohi Nui (French Polynesia), Kiribati, Fiji, the Navajo Nation—participated in 3MSP, keeping the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons front and center as a driving force in the movement to abolish nuclear weapons.

BftB’s 3MSP delegation included BftB leadership and consultants, partner organizations, BftB Hubs, students and grassroots activists and was more than twice the size of our delegation to 2MSP last year. We did what we do best – bring communities together!

BftB organized our first-ever side event, in partnership with Northwestern University, Mayors for Peace and other allied organizations.  “The Role of Cities in the Promotion of Nuclear Disarmament” featured mayors, city officials and campaigners who provided unique perspectives and strong testimonials about the importance of local, community-based organizing for nuclear disarmament.

BftB members, partners, Hubs, and student network were well represented at 3MSP.

We brought together youth from the U.S. who met with youth from affected communities around the world. BftB’s student network was particularly active, with students from various regions contributing to the dialogue. A highlight was the Atlanta Hub’s side event, “Visualizing Change: Artistic Expression for a Nuclear-Free World.”

Activists from 13 BftB Hubs participated in 3MSP along with representatives from multiple BftB Partner Organizations and allied groups. Collaboration among BftB Hubs and partners fostered valuable dialogue and strengthened relationships within the global disarmament community.

It was a bright week during troubled times, lifting our spirits, raising our voices, and renewing our commitment to working together for a world free of nuclear weapons.

Click the buttons below to read more and see photos from BftB’s 3MSP events and activities.


The Role of Cities in the Promotion of Nuclear Disarmament



Secretary General of Mayors for Peace Takehiro Kagawa and Hannover Mayor Belit Onay react to Rochester Mayor Mallik Evans as he shares a quote from President Lyndon Johnson: “When the burdens of the presidency seem unusually heavy, I always remind myself it could be worse. I could be a mayor.” Photo credit: ICAN | Darren Ortiz

BftB was proud to organize a 3MSP side event and reception called “The Role of Cities in the Promotion of Nuclear Disarmament” on March 4. The events drew capacity audiences and provided critical perspectives on local organizing for nuclear disarmament from mayors, city officials, and campaigners.

The side event was sponsored by the Austrian Permanent Mission to the UN and co-sponsored by Back from the Brink, Northwestern University, Mayors for Peace, ICAN, IPPNW and Physicians for Social Responsibility. It was convened by Hirokazu Miyazaki, Kay Davis Professor at Northwestern University, who is conducting research on municipal efforts for nuclear disarmament and nuclear justice called the Mapping Nuclear Legacies project.

Miyazaki’s research is informed by Back from the Brink and the growth in local and state advocacy for nuclear disarmament since we were founded in 2017. This 3MSP side event provided an opportunity to learn how and why elected officials decide to get involved, to examine the central key role of local grassroots organizing, and why it’s important to grow and build upon these efforts now, during this time of rising global tensions and uncertainty.

“The Role of Cities in the Promotion of Nuclear Disarmament” side event featured: George-Wilhelm Gallhofer, Austrian Foreign Ministry; Takehiro Kagawa, Secretary General of Mayors for Peace; Mayor Belit Onay, Hannover, Germany; Mayor Malik Evans, Rochester, NY; Alderwoman Maria Hadden, Chicago City Council; and Francesco Vignarca, Campaigns Coordinator, Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo. Mayor Kazumi Matsui of Hiroshima and Mayor Shiro Suzuki of Nagasaki, Japan participated via video.

We were also delighted to be joined by Mayor Nicole LaChappelle of Easthampton, MA and Archbishop John Wester of Sante Fe, NM. The event was moderated by Denise Duffield, Associate Director of Physicians for Social Responsibility–Los Angeles and Back from the Brink Steering Committee member.

The reception featured speakers from the side event as well as Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation and North American Coordinator of Mayors for Peace; Kathleen Sullivan, Hibakusha Stories and NYCAN; and Magritte Gordner, Physicians for Social Responsibility. Baltimore Comptroller Bill Henry and California Majority Leader Cecilia Aguiar-Curry participated via video.

BftB thanks all who made the event possible, especially the Carnegie Corporation of New York and Northwestern University for providing funding for the event.

See the gallery below for voices and views shared during the event and reception. Photo credits: Jeremy Love and ICAN | Darren Ortiz


Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui 

Baltimore Comptroller Bill Henry

Nagasaki Mayor Shiro Suzuki 

California Majority Leader Cecila Aguiar-Curry

The Role of Cities in the Promotion of Nuclear Disarmament – Full Video


Photo credit: ICAN | Darren Ortiz

Back from the Brink’s tagline, “Bringing Communities Together to Abolish Nuclear Weapons” was a strong theme at 3MSP.  It was wonderful to see so many BftB members, partners, Hubs, and students participating in 3MSP sessions, side events, and gatherings. For many, it was the first time meeting each other in person, the first time attending a TPNW meeting, or even the first time visiting New York City!

Representatives from 13 of BftB’s 24 hubs attended, including from Atlanta, Boston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Texas, and Western Massachusetts.

Numerous national and local BftB Partner Organizations and allies participated, included Physicians for Social Responsibility, Students for Nuclear Disarmament (SND), Union of Concerned Scientists, United Methodist Church–General Board of Church and Society  and Western States Legal Foundation. Local Partner Organizations included Greater Boston PSR, Massachusetts Peace Action, PSR Chesapeake, PSR Los Angeles, PSR Maine, and Syracuse Peace Council.

BftB was especially happy to see a strong youth presence at 3MSP as well as a focus on multi-generational efforts. Participants from BftB’s student network including students from Montana, New Hampshire, Boston, Atlanta, and the PEAC Institute in Detroit brought 10 high school students as well.

The Atlanta Hub’s side event, “Visualizing Change: Artistic Expression for a Nuclear-Free World” was incredibly inspiring. Supported by the future Georgia-based SND chapters and PEAC Institute, this event emphasized the role of art in advocacy for nuclear disarmament. Students shared original works, including poems, a rap song, paintings, and sculptures, each reflecting their concerns about the nuclear threat.

We are heartened by the passion, commitment, and participation in 3MSP by so many communities who share our goal of a world without nuclear weapons and the dedication to make that vision a reality.

See the gallery below for a collection of images of the BftB community at 3MSP. Photo credits: Jeremy Love and ICAN | Darren Ortiz


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