For so many years, nuclear weapons have been viewed as a “back burner” issue – something few people thought of or were concerned about. The threat of nuclear war seemed remote.

Fast forward to today. A nuclear-armed autocrat is waging a horrific war against Ukraine. He’s put his nuclear weapons on high alert. He’s talked of “consequences never experienced before in history.”

Founded in 2017, our coalition, Back from the Brink (BftB): Bringing Communities Together to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, was made for this moment. To channel people’s concern and activism, to build a true grassroot movement demanding that our leaders take this threat seriously and get rid of these horrible weapons once and for all — before it’s too late.

Please join us on Thursday, March 31st at 8pm ET and find out how you can get involved and help make this moment the beginning of the end for nuclear weapons.

This one hour Zoom discussion will provide an opportunity for supporters, BftB activists and the general public to get the latest on how the Ukraine war is impacting our work and community organizing. We’ll share updates about Back from the Brink’s strategies and priorities, and provide folks with specific actions they can take at this moment, in their communities.

We are delighted that nuclear weapons expert and disarmament advocate, Zia Mian, Co-Director of Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security will be joining us and answering questions about the nuclear dimensions of the Ukraine war.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We hope to see you on the 31st!

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