UPDATE: Due to changes in the Congressional schedule, the Special Orders session has been canceled for September, and rescheduled for November 13, 2024.

Cultivating congressional leadership is one of Back from the Brink’s core strategic priorities. It is essential for many more members of Congress to make the prevention of nuclear war and achieving a world free of nuclear weapons a central priority of their public service.

This is an unique opportunity for members of the U.S. House of Representatives to demonstrate this leadership by participating in a one-hour “Special Orders” session being organized by Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), lead sponsor of H. Res. 77 — the congressional Back from the Brink resolution. 

With the help and encouragement of BftB supporters, Hubs and partner/endorsing organizations, we hope cosponsors of H. Res. 77 and other House members will join the dialogue. We’re asking them to lay out their views on what’s at stake, what can be done to make us safer, and why current U.S. nuclear weapons policies and spending need to be fundamentally changed.

Why Does Congress matter?

Most of BftB’s policy recommendations require action and leadership from the U.S. president. But Congress matters a great deal on this issue for the simple reason that the president is unlikely to take bold action without sufficient support from Congress (and by extension, the public). H. Res. 77 has served as a vehicle to build this support and congressional leadership, give constituents a specific legislative vehicle to discuss with their representatives, and get more members of Congress on the record in support of our policy solutions. And, of course, Congress is responsible for spending so they have an important role in shaping nuclear weapons budgets and choices — all while a trillion-dollar-plus spending spree is underway.

What’s a Special Order?

A Special Order is a period of non-legislative time set aside on the House calendar for representatives to come to the House floor and debate and discuss a specific issue or set of issues. Any House member can participate and share their views and policy positions with their House colleagues, and in so doing, educate and engage members of Congress and the broader public. 

Rep. McGovern’s office has said the purpose and focus of the 9/26 Special Order session is: 

Why the US should 1) not engage in a new nuclear arms race, 2) reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons, 3) return to negotiations, and 4) discuss related issues such as the Sentinel missile program and nuclear modernization.

Urge Your House Member to Participate

Can you take 2-3 minutes to call or email the staff person in your House Representative’s office responsible for nuclear weapons/military matters? Reach out to Jeremy Love at jeremy@preventnuclearwar.org for the staff person’s name and direct contact information. 

You can also call or drop by your House Representative’s local district office, tell them you’re a constituent, and that you hope the Representative will participate in the 9/26 Special Orders session. You can locate contact and office location information here.

Before you reach out, be sure to review BftB’s talking points that we prepared and will be sharing with House offices directly.

Are you on social media? Tag or send a direct message to your U.S. House Representative. Here’s a sample post:

It’s critical that more members of Congress show leadership & advocate for policies and budgets that reduce nuclear risks to move us closer to a world free of #nuclearweapons. [insert House Representative social media handle], join @RepMcGovern on 9/26 for a House “Special Orders” session and lay out your vision for a safer, more secure world.

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