Easy edits with Theme Customizer

You can easily make changes to your website using Theme Customizer. Change colors of the gradient overlays, set the look of custom Call To Action menu item and more.

Fullscreen Slider

Welcome your visitors with a full-screen image or video. It doesn’t have to be one image – it is a slider! You can display an image / logo that stays on top of each slide. It has custom animated scroll down arrow added for better navigation.

Hover me!

Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.

Fun Tilt Hover Effect

You can use this effect on any module! Simply add a class of ally-tilt in Custom CSS tab and admire the effect. Just don’t use it too much – remember “less is more”. It is a hover effect – so it only works on desktop.

CTA Menu Item with Widget-Ready Popup

You can set the look of Call To Action Menu Item in Theme Customizer. And Popup is widget-ready. Thanks to Divi Widget Builder (by SJ James) you can add any module or layout from Divi Library to the Popup area.

Follow-the-mouse Overlay Effect

Direction aware overlay effect is used on portfolio and gallery module. The overlay will slide in and slide out, following your mouse movement. It is fun and different.

Category & Archive Pages Styling

Divi blog doesn’t have to look boring. Ally has built in custom styling for all the standard blog pages – archive, category, author and search result pages. Ally also extends wordpress “Recent Posts Widget” with each post thumbnail. You can also add any Divi Layout to sidebar.

Simple One Click Install

Ally features a one click demo content installation to get your site looking like the demo in no time.

Widget Area Before the Footer

You can design your footer with Divi Page Builder and choose to show it on every page (using Divi Widget Builder). There is no need to add a global section to each page and post.

Fly-In Animations

You can easily animate any module on scroll down and scroll up. Just add a custom CSS class of ally-left, ally-right, ally-bottom, ally-top or ally-fade.

Divi Modules Styling

Ally features multiple pre-styled modules. Several version of Blurbs and many others. Just pick & choose the ones that suit your project.

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