Below is an open letter to the Connecticut delegate of the U.S. House of Representatives, including:

Rep. Joe Courtney | Rep. Rosa DeLauro | Rep. Jahana Hayes | Rep. Jim Himes | Rep. John Larson

Experts are sounding the alarm that the risk of nuclear war is greater than it has ever been since the Atomic bombings of Japan


We, the undersigned organizations and individuals urge you to co-sponsor and advocate for H. Res. 77. This resolution was introduced in the US House by Rep. Jim McGovern and Rep. Earl Blumenauer on January 31, 2023. It calls on the United States to take positive steps to prevent nuclear war and lead a global diplomatic effort to reduce and ultimately abolish horrific nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear weapons threaten all of humanity. H. Res. 77 is an essential step in making our lives and communities safer in the face of this threat.

As of June 2024, the resolution has 44 cosponsors in the House of Representatives. H. Res. 77 is part of the the Back from the Brink campaign for a more common sense approach to nuclear weapons. This campaign has been endorsed by over 450 national and local organizations and many local and state elected officials.

Billions are spent annually to develop and maintain the US nuclear arsenal. This robs our communities of taxpayer dollars needed to address the real threats to our community: lack of sufficient funding for public health and mental health, lack of affordable housing, racial injustice and climate change. CT taxpayers, according to the National Priorities Project, are paying 672 million dollars a year to maintain and upgrade our nuclear weapon arsenal. Communities in the US and around the world suffer massive environmental harm from the testing and maintenance of nuclear weapons and the extraction of uranium and other materials used to make them. Why is the United States spending billions on upgrading our nuclear weapons and delivery systems, in the face of these stark realities?

A nuclear war between the US and Russia would kill hundreds of millions of people on the first day and create a nuclear winter and global famine that would kill 5-6 billion people over the next 2 years. Even a much smaller nuclear war, as might take place between India and Pakistan, would cause enough climate disruption to kill 2 billion people worldwide, including 130 million here in the US. (Search Nuclear Famine Report)

This time of local wars and heightened global tensions calls for urgent action before the unthinkable happens. Your leadership can be a critical step to help shift U.S. policy away from a costly nuclear arms race with its possible disastrous consequences. Please contact Cindy Buhl at at the office of Rep. McGovern to cosponsor H. Res 77.


The only sure way to prevent nuclear war is to abolish nuclear weapons. Let’s move in that direction.

Public Officials

Marilyn Rossetti, Majority Leader of the Hartford City Council (not signing for the City of Hartford)

Faith Community

Bishop Peter Rosazza, Bloomfield
Felician Sisters of North America, Enfield
Pastor Rick Kremer, Grace Lutheran Church, Hartford
Rev. Deacon Thomas Mariconda of the Episcopal Church (on behalf of The CT-RI Justice Circle), Shelton
S. Maryann Mueller, CSSF, Enfield
Hartford Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends


Connecticut Executive Board of the New England Health Care Employees Union, District 1199, SEIU
Greater New Haven Peace Council
Ice the Beef Anti-Gun Violence Organization
New Haven Zen Center
Sierra Club Connecticut
United Nations Association of Connecticut
Connecticut Palestine Alliance
Vecinos Unidos, Hartford
Veterans for Peace Connecticut Chapter 42
Veterans for Peace National


Janus Zboucko, Avon
Paul Nyklicek, Avon
Dee, Berlin
Deejohn Roberts, East Hartford
Nick Butler, East Hartford
Jack Wentland, Glastonbury
Clark Peters, Groton
Ann Froines, Hamden
Mary Compton, Hamden
Adron, Hartford
Amaya, Hartford
Barbara Pivarnick, Hartford
Eric Stamm, Hartford
Rev. Carmen Wooster, Hartford
Ryde, Hartford
Nathan Jedziniaj, Manchester
Camera Sirafi, Middletown
Aram Ayalon, New Britain
Shae-hanna Bacchus, New Britain
Henry Lowendorf, New Haven
Manuel Camacho, New Haven
Millie Grenough, New Haven
Roberto Irizarry, New Haven
Shelly Altman, New Haven
Susan Bramhall, New Haven
Cody Zimmerman, Newington
Nancy Eberg, North Haven
Omar Antar, Plainfield
Eda Di Biccari, Simsbury
Gail Adams, Simsbury
Wayne Coste, Simsbury
Genesis, Waterbury
Nina Stein, Waterbury
Jennifer Evans, West Hartford
Joseph Wasserman, West Hartford
Layana Aln, West Hartford
Rachael Stephens, West Hartford
Win Heimer, West Hartford
Jim Pandaru, West Haven
Bill Potvin, Willimantic
Kayla Trout, Windsor
Lou Anne McDonald, Windsor
Michael, Windsor
Michael Zager, Windsor
Spencer Royce, Windsor
Janice Hernandez

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