The 2022 elections are (almost) over and we can look ahead to 2023—a year that with your help and support will be pivotal for Back from the Brink: Bringing Communities Together to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and global efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons.
Please join us on Thursday, December 1st for a BftB Open House to get plugged into this exciting national grassroots campaign and find out how you can make a real difference by connecting with others in your community and networks.
We know all too well how real the threat of nuclear war is at this very moment. And how important it is for we the people to have a voice and to demand Washington decision makers make this the front burner priority it needs to be. At the Open House you’ll learn about Back from the Brink’s 2022 accomplishments and our:
- Hub Model: Our national network of Back from the Brink organizing hubs is growing. Is there one near you? If not, we can help you start one!
- Organizational Partnerships: BftB is partnering with organizations around the US and we need your help to get more organizations, including those in your community, invested in the campaign and signed on as endorsers or Coalition Partners.
- Current Projects: We are working with a broad cross section of faith leaders and organizations and passing BftB resolutions in more cities, towns, and states.
- Upcoming Milestones: The 2nd anniversary of the entry-into-force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is coming up on January 22nd and we are brainstorming ways to celebrate and highlight this anniversary.
- Congressional Advocacy: We are pushing to get BftB/nuclear abolition resolutions introduced early in 2023 in both the U.S. House and Senate. Your members of Congress could be crucial.
To encourage dialogue and community, this 75 minute Open House will include time for break-out sessions with different focuses depending on interest and whether one is attending as an individual or representing an organization. We’ll hear from local BftB activists who will highlight community success stories, as well as the challenges they have faced organizing locally.
This is our moment. It’s go time for nuclear disarmament. Vladimir Putin’s nuclear saber rattling has been a stark reminder of what’s at stake and how perilous a moment we are in. It’s up to us to build the power needed and chart a new path forward.