Back from the Brink currently has 24 Hubs in the United States. Our Hub model is our national, distributed network of grassroots organizers who are working together to rid the world of nuclear weapons and secure a set of common sense U.S. nuclear weapons policies that will make the world safer, healthier, and more just.

A BftB Hub is any group of three or more people — or an existing local organization — within a community or region who come together to engage in advocacy and other activities within their communities in support of the Back From the Brink’s five point policy platform and the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Some activities you might find BftB Hubs engaged in are:

  • Passing local resolutions by their local or state governments that include all five BftB policy solutions
  • Meeting with elected officials and members of Congress about the campaign (and advocating for H. Res. 77 co-sponsorship)
  • Hosting and supporting local events or actions
  • Educating and engaging local community and media
  • Supporting and showing up for other local groups, movements, and campaigns

Interested in joining a local BftB Hub? Check out the map below where local Hubs are noted by a blue icon with a house. Email us at, let us know which Hub you’re interested in joining, and we’ll connect you with them.

Don’t see a BftB Hub near you? If you’re interested in starting your own local Hub, you can learn more and submit an interest form or reach out to Jeremy Love at

Here’s where our Hubs are located, by state:


Back from the Brink – Fresno

Back from the Brink – Davis/Sacramento

Back from the Brink Los Angeles/Southern California

San Francisco Bay Area


Back from the Brink – CT


Back from the Brink – Atlanta


Chicago Area Peace Action


PeaceWorks Kansas City


Mainers for Ending Nuclear Dangers


Prevent Nuclear War Maryland


Boston (Greater Boston PSR)

Western Massachusetts


Back from the Brink – Montana

New Hampshire

Back from the Brink – NH

New Jersey

New Jersey Peace Action

New Mexico

Back from the Brink – New Mexico

New York

Back from the Brink – Upstate NY


Nuclear Abolition Now

Peace House (Ashland)


Philadelphia Area BftB


Texans Ending Nuclear Dangers (TEND)


Utah Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons


Washington PSR


Physicians for Social Responsibility WI

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