Join us on September 25 as we launch the next phase of the Back from the Brink initiative with a national webinar: Back from the Brink – Organizing Locally to Prevent Nuclear War. We’ll share some of our successes, lessons learned so far, and present strategies and tools for individuals and organizations to take action locally. You’ll also be able to communicate with Back from the Brink organizers and volunteers.

The threat of nuclear war is real and growing, and we believe this movement represents our best chance at charting a safer, saner, and less costly direction in US nuclear policy. To date, 280 organizations have endorsed Back from the Brink, and resolutions in support of Back from the Brink’s policy recommendations have been adopted by 35 municipalities and 4 state legislative bodies.

Every organizational endorsement and resolution adopted sends an ever louder message to our federal representatives that the U.S. must fundamentally change its nuclear security policy. Each of us can amplify this message by organizing in our own region. Join on on September 25 to learn more about this exciting campaign and how you can get involved.

Webinar: Back from the Brink: Organizing Locally to Prevent Nuclear War

Date: Wednesday, September 25

Time: 5 – 6 p.m. PDT/ 8 – 9 pm EDT

Registration: Click here to fill out the registration form.


Sean Meyer, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Peter Wilk, MD, Physicians for Social Responsibility, will introduce the Back from the Brink campaign

Sandra Yarne, PhD, Seacoast Peace Response, will discuss her work to pass Back from the Brink resolutions in New Hampshire

Gwen DuBois, MD, MPH, Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility, will outline Baltimore’s journey to passing a Back from the Brink resolution

Denise Duffield, Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles, will highlight the advocacy tools available that can help you get involved

If you have any questions about the webinar, please contact us at

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