On September 23, 2021, the Milwaukee County Board Supervisors adopted a resolution endorsing Back from the Brink’s five policy solutions to prevent nuclear war. The resolution was introduced by Supervisor Steve Shea and was co-sponsored by Supervisor Ryan Clancy, both of whom are Peace Action members.
The resolution states that “Milwaukee County endorses Back From the Brink’s “Call to Prevent Nuclear War” and calls upon United States federal policymakers to step back from the brink of nuclear war by:
- Renouncing the US’ nuclear first strike or “flexible response” policy
- Removing the US’ nuclear weapons from being on “hair-trigger” or high alert
- Requiring checks and balances on the President’s current sole authority to launch nuclear weapons
- Canceling US replacement of entire nuclear arsenal with enhancements
- Actively pursuing verifiable nuclear arms reductions between nuclear States with the goal of total nuclear disarmament
Back from the Brink congratulates Milwaukee County, Peace Action Wisconsin, and all who helped ensure the successful passage of this resolution.