Please find below interactive and video resources about the consequences of nuclear weapons and the Back from the Brink campaign.

Nukemap is an interactive map you can use to model the effects of a nuclear blast anywhere in the world, bringing the effects of potential nuclear weapons use quite literally close to home.

Can We Prevent Nuclear War? A TED Talk with Dr. Ira Helfand
Dr. Ira Helfand, Co-president of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, discusses the threat to human survival posed by nuclear weapons and what we can do about it.

Needham Channel feature on Back from the Brink resolution
A look at a home rule petition in the Annual Town Meeting Warrant in Needham, MA about the global elimination of nuclear weapons. The town voted to adopt the resolution on May 13, 2019.

Wheel of Near Misfortune
Spin the wheel in this UCS interactive web feature to learn about close calls with nuclear weapons, and why we can’t continue to trust this system to keep us safe.

Nuclear Nightmare: Washington D.C.
What would happen if terrorists exploded a crude nuclear bomb in Washington DC? Watch former Secretary of Defense William Perry’s nuclear nightmare.

Under the Nuclear Cloud
Under the Nuclear Cloud is part of “The Missiles on our Land“ project organized and led by the Princeton Program on Science and Global Security. This interactive map allows people to explore the fallout consequences anywhere across North America of nuclear strikes on U.S. missile silos. You can select a place on the map or use a search bar by putting in a zip-code below to explore the fallout data, and the map provides the possible radiation dose by Congressional District.

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