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Listed below are organizations — big, small, local, state and national — that have endorsed Back from the Brink. Click here if you would like to endorse.

Academic Groups
Health Groups
Civic Groups
Peace Groups
Environmental Groups
Policy Groups
Faith Groups
Other Groups
Academic Groups
Name | Location | |
1 | Nuclear Free Schools-Alliance-Dr. Olga Mohan High School | CA |
2 | Albert Schweitzer Institute at Quinnipiac | CT |
3 | Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale | CT |
4 | SGI Buddhists for Happiness, Case Western Reserve University | OH |
5 | SGI Buddhist Philosophy Club, Temple University | PA |
6 | SGI Buddhist Club, University of Michigan | MI |
7 | Boston University Advocacy Training Program at Boston University School of Medicine | MA |
8 | Boston University Student Committee on Medical Student Affairs | MA |
9 | Los Angeles Schweitzer Fellow Program | CA |
10 | Value Creating Society of Nichiren Buddhism, Rutgers | NJ |
12 | Students for Nuclear Disarmament (Burbank Chapter) | CA |
13 | Students For Nuclear Disarmament (Exeter Chapter) | NH |
14 | Students for Nuclear Disarmament (Brookline Chapter) | MA |
15 | Students for Nuclear Disarmament (National) | US |
Civic Groups
Name | Location | |
1 | United Nations Association of the United States of America Bluegrass Chapter | KY |
2 | United Nations Association of the United States of America Milwaukee Chapter | WI |
3 | Feminists Choosing Life of New York | NY |
4 | Rotary Club of Eastwood | NY |
5 | Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance | VT |
6 | MLK Coalition of Greater Los Angeles | CA |
7 | United Nations Association of Chicago | IL |
8 | Arise for Social Justice | MA |
9 | Pioneer Valley Workers Center | MA |
10 | Pioneer Valley Women's March | MA |
11 | National Lawyers Guild, Maryland Chapter | MD |
12 | Popular Resistance Maryland | MD |
13 | World 5.0 | National |
15 | Outrider Foundation | WI |
16 | Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution | MA |
17 | Rotarians 4 Nuclear Ban | Canada |
18 | Central NY Solidarity Campaign | NY |
19 | Central New York Poor People's Campaign | NY |
20 | Central New York Chapter of the National Organization for Women | NY |
21 | International Tribunal of Conscience of Peoples in Movement | CA |
22 | New Jersey State Industrial Union Council | NJ |
23 | Women for Racial and Economic Equality (WREE) | CA |
24 | SOMA Action | NJ |
25 | The Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County | NJ |
26 | WiseCourage Project / GetCourageNow | CA |
27 | Southern Anti-Racism Network | GA |
28 | Rotary Club of Springfield, MA | MA |
29 | All Together Now PA | PA |
30 | Institute of Trauma and Economic Justice | MI |
31 | Western Massachusetts Area Labor Federation | MA |
Environmental Groups
Name | Location | |
2 | | National |
4 | Beyond Nuclear | National |
5 | Center for Biological Diversity | National |
6 | Coal River Mountain Watch | WV |
7 | Citizens’ Environmental Coalition | NY |
8 | Climate Action Now | MA |
9 | Environmentalists Against War | National |
10 | Friends of the Earth | National |
11 | In the Shadow of the Wolf | National |
12 | Maine Rivers | ME |
14 | Nuclear Information and Resource Service | National |
15 | Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition | WV |
16 | Rapid Shift | National |
17 | Sierra Club | National |
18 | SoCal 350 Climate Action | CA |
19 | Students for Environmental Awareness in Medicine (SEAM), Harvard Medical School Chapter | MA |
20 | The Enviro Show | MA |
21 | Community Action Works | New England |
22 | 350 Madison | WI |
23 | Organic Consumers Association | MN |
24 | REVERB | National |
25 | Northampton League of Conservation Voters | MA |
26 | White Rabbit Grove RDNA | MT |
27 | Citizens' Regeneration Lobby | MN |
28 | Alliance for a Green Economy | NY |
29 | | NY |
30 | Northern Colorado Community Rights Network | CO |
31 | Endangered Species International | CA |
32 | 350NJ - Rockland | NJ |
33 | Food & Water Action | National |
34 | EarthAction | MA |
35 | 2020 Action | MA |
37 | Natural Resources Defense Council | National |
38 | North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE) | NY |
39 | Carrie Dickerson Foundation | OK |
40 | 350 Salem | OR |
41 | Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin | WI |
42 | Seattle Evergreen Coalition | WA |
43 | Sustainable Energy & Economic Development (SEED) Coalition | TX |
44 | 350 Eastside | WA |
Faith Groups
Name | Location | |
1 | Adorers of the Blood of Christ | MO |
2 | All Saint's Catholic Parish | NY |
3 | All Souls Nuclear Disarmament Task Force | NY |
4 | Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church | ME |
5 | Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse | NY |
6 | American Friends Service Committee | National |
7 | Amherst Immanuel Lutheran Church | MA |
8 | Annapolis Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | MD |
9 | Assisi Community | DC |
10 | Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests | National |
11 | Association of United States Catholic Priests | OR |
12 | Atlanta Good Shepherd Community Church | GA |
13 | Baltimore Hebrew Congregation | MD |
14 | Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | MD |
15 | Benedictine Sisters of Baltimore | MD |
16 | Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church | MA |
17 | Bethesda Friends Meeting | MD |
18 | Bloomington Monthly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends | IN |
19 | Casa Maria | AZ |
20 | Catholic Commission of Wayne, Ashland and Medina Counties | OH |
21 | Catholic Diocese of Little Rock | AR |
22 | Catholic Network US | National |
23 | Centenary United Methodist Church | UT |
24 | Center of Concern | National |
25 | Center on Conscience and War | DC |
26 | Christian Peacemaker Teams | IL |
27 | Church and Society Committee, Sparta United Methodist Church | NJ |
28 | Church of the Brethren, Office of Peacebuilding and Policy | National |
29 | Clear Mountain Zen Sangha | NJ |
30 | Colorado Interfaith Power & Light | CO |
31 | Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach | DC |
32 | Congregation B'nai Israel | MA |
33 | Congregation Bet Ha'am | ME |
34 | Congregation Mishkan Tefila | MA |
35 | Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd | National |
36 | Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes | WI |
37 | Denver Catholic Network | CO |
38 | Diocese of Springfield Massachusetts | MA |
39 | Dominican Sisters of San Rafael | CA |
40 | Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House | DC |
41 | Earth Keepers 360 | NM |
42 | Edwards Church of Northampton | MA |
43 | Episcopal Diocese of Central New York | NY |
44 | Episcopal Peace Fellowship | IL |
45 | Fellowship of Reconciliation, Chicago Area Chapter | IL |
46 | First Congregational Church of Hatfield, United Church of Christ | MA |
47 | First Congregational Church of Leveret | MA |
48 | First Parish Portland | ME |
49 | First Unitarian Society Social Justice Ministry | WI |
50 | Floyd Friends | VA |
51 | Franciscan Action Network | DC |
52 | Franciscan Peace Center | IA |
53 | Franciscans for Justice | CA |
54 | Frederick Friends Meeting, Frederick, MD | MD |
55 | Friends Committee on National Legislation | National |
56 | General Synod of the United Church of Christ | National |
57 | Grace St. Paul's | AZ |
58 | Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition | NY |
59 | Gunpowder Friends Meeting | MD |
60 | Haydenville Congregational Church | MA |
61 | Holy Cross Church Just Faith Community | MA |
62 | Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church | AR |
63 | Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace | CA |
64 | Interfaith Peace Network of WNY | NY |
65 | Interfaith Peace Working Group | WI |
66 | Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center | MA |
67 | Islamic Society of North America | National |
68 | Islamic Society of Western Mass | MA |
69 | Justice Commission of the Presentation Sisters | SD |
70 | Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield, MA | MA |
71 | Lincoln NE Friends Meeting | NE |
72 | Madison Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) | WI |
73 | Madison Mennonite Church | WI |
74 | Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College | GA |
75 | Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns | National |
76 | Meriden Congregational Church, UCC | NH |
77 | Methodist Federation for Social Action Iowa Chapter | IA |
78 | Minneapolis Area Synod, ELCA | MN |
79 | National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd | National |
80 | National Baptist Convention of America | KY |
81 | National Benedictines for Peace | National |
82 | New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ | NH |
83 | North Carolina Council of Churches | NC |
84 | Office of Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, Sisters of St. Joseph | NY |
85 | Office of Peace, Justice, and Ecological Integrity, Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth | NJ |
86 | Our Saviour's Lutheran Church | MN |
87 | Paint Branch Unitarian Universalist Church | MD |
88 | Parishioners for Peace & Justice, St. Peter Claver Church | NJ |
89 | Pax Christi - St. John the Baptist | MD |
90 | Pax Christi Beverly | MA |
91 | Pax Christi Dallas TX | TX |
92 | Pax Christi El Paso | TX |
93 | Pax Christi Houston | TX |
94 | Pax Christi Illinois | IL |
95 | Pax Christi International | International |
96 | Pax Christi Little Rock | AR |
97 | Pax Christi Maine | ME |
98 | Pax Christi Massachusetts | MA |
99 | Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore | DC |
100 | Pax Christi Metro New York | NY |
101 | Pax Christi Nazareth | MI |
102 | Pax Christi New Jersey | NJ |
103 | Pax Christi Northern California | CA |
104 | Pax Christi Northwest | WA |
105 | Pax Christi Pacific Northwest | WA |
106 | Pax Christi Rhode Island | RI |
107 | Pax Christi Southern California | CA |
108 | Pax Christi USA | National |
109 | Pax Christi Western Massachusetts | MA |
110 | Peace with Justice Advocates Mission Group NHCUCC | NH |
111 | Pima Monthly Meeting Religious Society of Friends | AZ |
112 | Plymouth Congregational Church, UCC | NY |
113 | Portland Friends Meeting | ME |
114 | Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society Social Action Committee | WI |
115 | Presbyterian Church USA | National |
116 | Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association | National |
117 | Religions for Peace USA | National |
118 | Rochester (MN) Friends (Quaker) Meeting | MN |
119 | Sacred Heart and Our Lady Help of Christians of Newton MA | MA |
120 | Saint Susanna Church | MA |
121 | Sandy Spring Friends Meeting | MD |
122 | School Sisters of Notre Dame, Central Pacific Province | MO |
123 | Schuylkill Friends Meeting | PA |
124 | SGI-USA Mid-Atlantic Zone | VA |
125 | Shalom Mennonite Fellowship | AZ |
126 | Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Community | NE |
127 | Sisters of St. Francis | OH |
128 | Sisters of St. Francis | IA |
129 | Sisters of St. Francis Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation | OH |
130 | Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia | PA |
131 | Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden, PA | PA |
132 | Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, LA | CA |
133 | Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary | NY |
134 | Soka Gakkai International - USA | National |
135 | South Valley Presbyterian Church | NY |
136 | St. Francis Pax Christi | MD |
137 | St. John's Episcopal Church | NY |
139 | St. Lucy's Church, Syracuse | NY |
140 | St. Magdalene Catholic Faith Community | MD |
141 | St. Paul's Episcopal Church | NY |
142 | St. Rose of Lima Pax Christi | MD |
143 | St. Susanna Pax Christi | MA |
144 | St. Thomas' Episcopal Church | NY |
145 | The Church of Universal Fellowship | ME |
146 | The Episcopal Church | National |
147 | The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary | IA |
148 | The Social Justice Committee of Campus Synagogues | MA |
149 | The Theosophical Order of Service | IL |
150 | Tikkun Olam Committee of the Jewish Community of Amherst | MA |
151 | Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson | AZ |
152 | Unitarian Society of Northampton & Florence | MA |
153 | Unitarian Universalist Association | National |
154 | Unitarian Universalist Meeting House Council of Pittsfield, ME | ME |
155 | United Church of Christ, Justice & Witness Ministries | National |
156 | United Methodist General Board of Church and Society | National |
157 | University United Methodist Church, Syracuse | NY |
158 | Voices for a world Free of Nuclear Weapons-United Religions Initiative | National |
159 | Way Forward | PA |
160 | West Cummington Congregational Church | MA |
161 | Western Region of Roman Catholic Womenpriests | National |
163 | National Council of Churches | DC |
164 | Creation Justice Ministries | DC |
165 | Affiliation of Christian Engineers | TN |
166 | Mount Toby Monthly Meeting of Friends | MA |
167 | Tacoma Chapter Fellowship of Reconciliation | WA |
168 | One World Life Systems | NY |
169 | Hartford Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | CT |
170 | First Church in Cambridge, Congregational, United Church of Christ | MA |
171 | Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team | MD |
172 | Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York | NY |
Health Groups
Name | Location | |
1 | Health Alliance International | National |
2 | People's Health Movement USA | National |
3 | Physicians for Social Responsibility | National |
4 | Maine Academy of Family Physicians | ME |
5 | International Health and Epidemiology Research Center | CA |
6 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Arizona | AZ |
7 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Sacramento | CA |
8 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles | CA |
9 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Florida | FL |
10 | Maine AllCare | ME |
11 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Iowa Chapter | IA |
12 | Maine Physicians for Social Responsibility | ME |
13 | Maine Medical Association | ME |
14 | Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility | MA |
15 | Maine Nurse Practitioner's Association | ME |
16 | Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility | MD |
17 | American Academy of Pediatrics Maine Chapter | ME |
18 | New Hampshire Public Health Association | NH |
19 | Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility | OR |
20 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Kansas City | MO |
21 | Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility | WA |
22 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin | WI |
23 | Western North Carolina Physicians for Social Responsibility | NC |
24 | Pioneer Valley Physicians for Social Responsibility | MA |
25 | Institute of Neurotoxicity & Neurological Disorders | WA |
26 | San Francisco Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility | CA |
27 | American Public Health Association | National |
Peace Groups
Name | Location | |
1 | Abolition 2000 | International |
2 | 80,000 Voices | National |
3 | American Society of Hiroshima-Nagasaki A-Bomb Survivors | National |
4 | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation | National |
5 | Nuclear Wake Up Call | National |
6 | One Sunny Day Initiatives | National |
7 | Peace & Justice Studies Association | National |
8 | Peace Action | National |
9 | People for Nuclear Disarmament | National |
10 | Rehumanize International | International |
11 | The Nuclear Resister | National |
12 | Veterans for Peace | National |
13 | Veterans for Peace Golden Rule Project | International |
14 | Wisconsin Network for Peace, Justice & Sustainability | WI |
15 | Woman Against Military Madness | National |
16 | World Beyond War | International |
17 | Bikes Not Bombs | National |
18 | Carlsron Initiative for Peace & Human Rights | International |
19 | Citizens for Peaceful Resolutions | National |
20 | Coalition for Peace Action | NJ |
21 | CODEPINK | National |
22 | Consistent Life Network | International |
23 | Global Campaign for Peace Education | International |
24 | Global Healing Foundation | International |
25 | Global Security Institute | National |
26 | International Institute on Peace Education | International |
27 | Veterans for Peace Tom Sturtevant Chapter | ME |
28 | Anti-War Committee | MN |
29 | Minnesota Peace Project | MN |
30 | Southeast Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers | MN |
31 | Nebraskans for Peace | NE |
32 | New Hampshire Peace Action Education Fund | NH |
33 | Seacoast Peace Response | NH |
34 | August 9th Saving Lives Task Force | NJ |
35 | New Jersey Peace Action | NJ |
36 | Corning Silent Peace Vigil | NY |
37 | Beyond War & Militarism Committee, Syracuse Peace Council | NY |
38 | Nuclear-Free World Committee, Syracuse Peace Council | NY |
39 | Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace | NY |
40 | Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives | NY |
41 | Peace Action New York State | NY |
42 | Tulsa Peace Fellowship | OK |
43 | War Prevention Initiative | OR |
44 | Brandywine Peace Community | PA |
45 | Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia | PA |
46 | Nuclear-Free World Committee, Dallas Peace & Justice Center | TX |
47 | Houston Peace & Justice Center | TX |
49 | Greater Bennington Peace & Justice Center | VT |
50 | Peace & Justice Center | VT |
51 | Appalachian Peace Education Center | VA |
52 | Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action | WA |
53 | Inter-Community Peace & Justice Center | WA |
55 | Whatcom Peace & Justice Center | WA |
56 | Nukewatch | WI |
57 | Peace Action Wisconsin | WI |
58 | Veterans for Peace - Madison Chapter | WI |
59 | Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Madison | WI |
60 | Veterans for Peace Chapter 111 | WA |
61 | Alliance for Global Justice | AZ |
62 | Awakening Peace, Inc. | CA |
63 | Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, Tucson | AZ |
64 | Veterans for Peace Chapter 13 | AZ |
65 | Nuclear Hotseat Podcast | CA |
66 | San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace | CA |
67 | Tri-Valley CAREs | CA |
68 | Veterans for Peace, Los Angeles | CA |
69 | Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center | CO |
70 | Promoting Enduring Peace | CT |
71 | Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area | DC |
73 | Chicago Area Peace Action | IL |
74 | Voices for Creative Nonviolence | IL |
75 | URI International Peace Research Institute | India |
76 | Brookline PAX | MA |
77 | Massachusetts Peace Action | MA |
78 | North Shore Coalition for Peace & Justice | MA |
79 | The New England Peace Pagoda | MA |
80 | The Resistance Center for Peace & Justice | MA |
81 | Working Group to Prevent Nuclear War | MA |
83 | Baltimore Peace Action | MD |
84 | Hiroshima Nagasaki Commemoration Committee | MD |
85 | Maryland Peace Action Network | MD |
86 | Maryland United for Peace & Justice | MD |
87 | Prevent Nuclear War Maryland | MD |
88 | Newton Dialogues on Peace & War | MA |
89 | Peace Action Montgomery | MD |
90 | Prince George's County Peace & Justice Coalition | MD |
91 | Global Network Against Nuclear Power & Weapons in Space | ME |
92 | Maine Peace Action Committee | ME |
93 | Maine Peace Fund | ME |
94 | Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine | ME |
95 | Peace Action Maine | ME |
96 | PeaceWorks | ME |
98 | Youth Arts New York: Hibakusha Stories | NY |
99 | Baltimore Nonviolence Center | MD |
100 | | Switzerland |
101 | Friends of Franz & Ben | NY |
102 | Justice & Peace Resource Center | NY |
103 | Broome County Peace Action | NY |
104 | Home for Peace and Justices | MI |
105 | World Peace Communications | CA |
106 | Greater New Haven Peace Council | CT |
107 | The Rachel Corrie Chapter 109 Veterans for Peace | WA |
108 | Global Strategy of Nonviolence | MA |
109 | Greater Springfield Campaign Nonviolence | MA |
110 | International Peace Center | KS |
111 | Stu Naismith Chapter 90 Veterans for Peace | NY |
112 | Cosmic Community Centre | India |
114 | South Mountain Peace Action | NJ |
115 | Leonia Vigil for Peace & Justice | NJ |
116 | Smedley Butler Brigade, Veterans for Peace Chapter 9 | MA |
117 | Veterans for Peace Santa Fe Chapter | NM |
118 | New York City Veterans for Peace | NY |
119 | Western New York Peace Center | NY |
120 | Union County Peace Council | NJ |
121 | Prescott Peacebuilders | AZ |
122 | Oregon PeaceWorks | OR |
124 | Traprock Center for Peace & Justice | MA |
126 | Peace Action Le Moyne | NY |
127 | Peace Action New York State, Macauley Honors College CUNY | NY |
128 | Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, US | National |
129 | Bloomington Peace Action Coalition | IN |
130 | Nonviolence International | DC |
131 | PNC: Stop Banking on the Bomb | PA |
132 | Dallas Peace and Justice Center | TX |
133 | No More Bombs | WA |
134 | Committee to Celebrate the International Day of Peace | NC |
136 | Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Milwaukee Chapter | WI |
137 | Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Jane Addams Branch | VA |
138 | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action | HI |
139 | No Endless War or Excessive Militarism | RI |
140 | Veterans for Peace Madison, Clarence Kailin Chapter 25 | WI |
141 | City of New Haven Peace Commission | CT |
142 | Earthcare Not Warfare | WA |
143 | Institute For Resource And Security Studies | National |
144 | Daisy Alliance | National |
146 | Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment | MA |
148 | Montreal for a World BEYOND War | QC, Canada |
149 | Northland Grandmothers for Peace | WI/MN |
150 | Grandmothers for Peace International | CA |
151 | Veterans for Peace Chapter 112 | CA |
152 | World Without Genocide | MN |
153 | PeaceWorks, Kansas City | MO |
154 | Peace House | OR |
155 | Nevada Desert Experience | NV |
156 | Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW! | PA |
157 | Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, Greater Philadelphia Branch | PA |
158 | Raging Grannies of Madison & Dane County | WI |
159 | Brooklyn for Peace | NY |
160 | Peace Action of San Mateo County | CA |
161 | Pittsburgh Anti-War Committee | PA |
162 | Crosscurrents International Institute | OH |
163 | Gandhi Alliance for Peace | UT |
164 | Veterans For Peace, Milwaukee Chapter 102 | WI |
165 | International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War | National |
166 | Kalamazoo Nonviolent Opponents of War (KNOW) | MI |
167 | Veterans For Peace Daniel Ellsberg Chapter, Seattle | WA |
168 | Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons | WA |
169 | Monterey Peace and Justice Center | CA |
170 | CODEPINK Bay Area | CA |
171 | Veterans for Peace Chapter 46 | CA |
Policy Groups
Name | Location | |
1 | Badass Activists in the Pioneer Valley | MA |
2 | Green Party of Pima County | AZ |
3 | Resources for Organizing and Social Change | ME |
4 | Indivisible | National |
5 | Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy | National |
6 | People Demanding Action | National |
7 | Progressive Democrats of America | National |
8 | Movement for a People's Democracy | National |
9 | Union of Concerned Scientists | National |
10 | Women's Action for New Directions | National |
11 | International Indian Treaty Council | International |
12 | Indivisible CNY 13224 | NY |
13 | Indivisible South Bay LA | CA |
14 | Coalition Against Nukes | National |
15 | The Vocal Seniority | OR |
16 | Progressive Dane | WI |
17 | Progressive Pioneer Valley | MA |
18 | Civil Society Institute | MA |
19 | Center for International Policy | National |
20 | Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety | NM |
21 | Elders for Future Generations | ME |
22 | Federation of American Scientists | National |
23 | Four Lakes Green Party | WI |
25 | Hip Hop Caucus | National |
26 | Utah Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons | UT |
28 | Newton Dems Executive Committee | MA |
30 | Future of Life Institute | National |
31 | Broome Tioga Green Party | NY |
33 | Green Party of New Jersey | NJ |
34 | Proposition One Committee | National |
35 | Western States Legal Foundation | CA |
36 | Our Wisconsin Revolution | WI |
37 | Maryland Green Party | MD |
38 | Green Party of Washington State | WA |
39 | Green Party of Connecticut | CT |
Other Groups
Name | Location | |
1 | Cat Lovers Against the Bomb | NE |
2 | Kansas City Industrial Workers of the World | MO |
3 | Gaia Consulting | ME |
4 | Jubitz Family Foundation | OR |
5 | Awakening Art & Culture | FL |
6 | Prosperity Candle | MA |
7 | Kunle Community | CA |
8 | Pelican Media | CA |
9 | Boundless Love Project | MN |
10 | GlowHouse | DC |
11 | The Grateful Palate, LLC | CA |
12 | Little Compton Democratic Town Committee | RI |
13 | Pyxis Learning | MO |
14 | Piece of Tish Work, LLC | MA |
15 | Collective Communication Inc | CA |
16 | FutureWAVE | CA |
17 | Women Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy | HI |
18 | Science for the People, Western MA Chapter | MA |
19 | Science for the People | International |
20 | Samuel Lawrence Foundation | CA |