Our Los Angeles area activists, including Eddie Laiche and Josie Heder from the Burbank chapter of Students for Nuclear Disarmament and Maylene Hughes from PSR-LA, joined tabling efforts led by the Nuclear Threat Initiative at The Original Farmers Market to #MakesNukesHistory ahead of the Academy Awards weekend.

Regarding his experience, Eddie shared: “Right off the bat, I was blown away by the art installation that the Nuclear Threat Initiative set up. Having this next to us while we were tabling drew many people to our table. We talked to all kinds of curious people, and many of them supported our cause. The whole experience benefited everyone involved because we shared our unique experiences and perspectives. It was also great to encourage people to take action and contact their House Representatives to cosponsor H. Res. 77. Overall, I had a great time with Maylene and Josie and would love to do something similar again.”

Nuclear Threat Initiative’s For Your Consideration: Make Nukes History campaign took place across Los Angeles and included billboards, a mural in West Hollywood, and more than 1,000 street posters to underscore the nexus between the Oscar-nominated film and our collective responsibility to build a safer world.

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