Back from the Brink regularly hosts virtual events featuring experts and leaders from our campaign. Below are recordings of our past events. Be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get notices about future events and activities.

A Conversation with Annie Jacobsen (Video)
A Conversation with Annie Jacobsen (Video)

  On May 29, Back from the Brink hosted a virtual event with Annie Jacobsen, investigative journalist and New York Times bestselling author of Nuclear War: A Scenario. We were delighted that over 450 folks from around the country joined the conversation. In her...

BftB and ICAN 2020 Policy Briefing and Workshop Videos & Resources
BftB and ICAN 2020 Policy Briefing and Workshop Videos & Resources

We were thrilled that so many of you were able to join us on March 4th for Ending Nuclear Weapons Before They End Us: Opportunities Under the Biden Administration to Take Action. In total, over 600 people from 28 countries tuned in live to learn from our panelists and...

All In! Preventing Nuclear War Means Defending Democracy – Video
All In! Preventing Nuclear War Means Defending Democracy – Video

On September 28, 2022 Back from the Brink hosted All in: Preventing Nuclear War Means Defending Democracy, a virtual webinar/roundtable discussion featuring a panel of experts and pro-democracy advocates. We examined how the future of our democracy and nuclear...

Watch: Back from the Brink: Organizing Locally to Prevent Nuclear War
Watch: Back from the Brink: Organizing Locally to Prevent Nuclear War

On September 25, 2019, Back from the Brink hosted a webinar titled “Back from the Brink: Organizing Locally to Prevent Nuclear War.” The goal of the webinar was to share the successes the campaign has had so far, provide tools to help get more involved, and to connect interested parties to others in their area who can provide guidance and assistance.

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