April Action: One Earth, One Future, Many Voices

April Action: One Earth, One Future, Many Voices

At Back from the Brink (BftB), we know that nuclear weapons are a local issue. We walk that walk and talk that talk every day. We have a stubborn belief in local organizing and activism and building power from the ground up. We demand a voice and say on issues that...
Maryland’s Nuclear Disarmament Advocates: A Legislative Journey

Maryland’s Nuclear Disarmament Advocates: A Legislative Journey

This article chronicles the determined efforts of one of our Hubs, Prevent Nuclear War-Maryland (PNWM), to advocate for Back from the Brink resolutions during the 2024 Maryland General Assembly, facing legislative hurdles and challenges along the way. Through...
The Beacon: March 2024 Newsletter

The Beacon: March 2024 Newsletter

From Back from the Brink HQ Youth Anti-Nuclear Activists at LA Farmers Market Our Los Angeles area activists, including Eddie Laiche and Josie Heder from the Burbank chapter of Students for Nuclear Disarmament and Maylene Hughes from PSR-LA, joined tabling efforts led...
Youth Anti-Nuclear Activists at LA Farmers Market

Youth Anti-Nuclear Activists at LA Farmers Market

Our Los Angeles area activists, including Eddie Laiche and Josie Heder from the Burbank chapter of Students for Nuclear Disarmament and Maylene Hughes from PSR-LA, joined tabling efforts led by the Nuclear Threat Initiative at The Original Farmers Market to...
Make this Moment Matter: Take Action for a Nuclear Weapons Free World

Make this Moment Matter: Take Action for a Nuclear Weapons Free World

“Not since the height of the Cold War has the threat of nuclear weapons been so ominous. How did we get here — and how can we step back from the brink of catastrophe?”1 “We must wake up to the reality of today’s nuclear threats, raise our voices and seize the...
Unearthing Black Voices Against Nuclear Weapons

Unearthing Black Voices Against Nuclear Weapons

As we celebrate Black History Month, it is crucial to shine a light on the intersection of Blackness and an issue often overlooked in the narrative of racial justice – nuclear weapons. The pages of history hold the stories of civil rights leaders, Black...

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